R&D and Quality

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Innovation-centric, resilient against challenges, and unwavering commitment to top-notch product quality.


– Sreema Group’s vision statement highlights a dedication to innovation focused on enhancing customer value.

– The Research and Development (R&D) department is pivotal, entrusted with the tasks of discovering innovative product offerings and addressing operational challenges.

– Through relentless experimentation and exploration, the organization continuously refines its business processes to ensure effectiveness and efficiency.

– Additionally, stringent quality control measures are implemented to uphold the commitment to delivering top-tier products to customers.

Research & Developement

Sreema's in-house lab diligently ensures top-notch quality of incoming raw materials and facilitates ongoing development in diverse fish species to foster sustainable growth.

Research & Developement

We Also Analyze The Microbiological Parameters Of Fish Feed and Water To Provide Good Quality and Hygienic Feed.

Quality Management

All incoming raw materials, premixes, and final products, including various types of fish feed and supplements, undergo comprehensive testing in Sreema's in-house lab.

Quality Management

We Check The Quality Of All Incoming Running Plant Materials, Outgoing Raw Materials And Finished Feed By Physical And Proximate Analysis In This Lab.